News About Cool Updates In Minecraft 1.9

I will now be starting to do news on Minecraft Updates! It will include rumors, snapshots, and updates, and new stuff relating to the next update of Minecraft.

First off, @Jeb_ tweeted about a new “dungeon” in Minecraft with new blocks and mobs. But in an earlier tweet he talked about features producing funny behaviors.

So maybe he is just modifying older dungeons to be more unique and challenging. I wouldn’t mind having the same dungeon if they were more different with more booby-traps and harder mobs to defeat.

He also mentioned a boat made out of birch braking into oak planks. This would also suggest multiple types of boats. There is also news of boats capable of bringing an animal or pet with you in the same boat.

With the new “Combat Update” there also seems to be a way now to tell when a skeleton is about to fire. It now holds it’s hands down when it can’t fire at a player.

It was also found out that skeletons and zombies have been the exact same thing beside the bow and arrows all along! While @Dinnerbone was working on skeleton animations he found out skeletons are just retextured zombies that make different noises and have a bow.

@Dinnerbone is also working on holding maps with one hand, sadly it’s only being held with none. Other than that when working with multiple hands he seems to have dislocated his arm.

Because of the input of a few of Minecraft follower’s, paths will now be added in as well.

Possibly shield or something that looks like a shield will be added as well which can be seen in the “Off-Hand slot”

It will be coming along with sound subtitles and a left-handed option. At last! As a last note quivers (which were in the Minecraft textures for quite some time will finally be added in along with multiple kinds a arrows like Spectral Arrows.

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